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company registration in Morocco

Differences between SARL and SA company registration in Morocco

Confused about the differences between SARL and SA company registration in Morocco? Our guide breaks down the key distinctions in terms of formation, governance, suitability, and more. Find the perfect fit for your business needs!

Both SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée) and SA (Société Anonyme) are popular company structures in Morocco, but they have key differences in terms of formation, governance, and suitability for different needs. Here’s a breakdown of the main distinctions:


  • Minimum number of shareholders:
    • SARL: 2
    • SA: 5
  • Minimum share capital:
    • SARL: MAD 10,000
    • SA: MAD 300,000 (unlisted) or MAD 3,000,000 (listed)
  • Articles of association:
    • SARL: More flexible and customizable
    • SA: Subject to more stringent legal requirements


  • Management structure:
    • SARL: Managed by one or more managers appointed by shareholders
    • SA: Managed by a board of directors and a president-director general
  • Shareholder involvement:
    • SARL: Shareholders have direct control over decisions
    • SA: Shareholders have less direct control, voting through a board of directors
  • Transparency:
    • SARL: Less transparent than SA due to private nature
    • SA: More transparent due to legal requirements for public disclosure


  • SARL:
    • Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses with a limited number of shareholders
    • Offers simpler and more flexible structure
    • Preferred by entrepreneurs starting a new business
  • SA:
    • Suitable for larger businesses and companies seeking public investment
    • Offers improved access to capital through share issuance
    • More complex and regulated structure

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Minimum shareholders25
Minimum share capitalMAD 10,000MAD 300,000 (unlisted) or MAD 3,000,000 (listed)
Articles of associationFlexibleStringent legal requirements
ManagementOne or more managersBoard of directors and president-director general
Shareholder involvementDirectIndirect through board of directors
TransparencyLess transparentMore transparent
SuitabilitySmall and medium-sized businessesLarge businesses and companies seeking public investment
Differences between SARL and SA company registration in Morocco

Additional factors to consider:

  • Cost of registration: SARL is generally cheaper to register than SA.
  • Taxation: Both SARL and SA are subject to the same corporate income tax rate.
  • Funding: SARL may have difficulty obtaining large amounts of funding compared to SA.

It is crucial to choose the right legal structure for your business based on your specific needs and circumstances. Consulting with a professional advisor in Morocco is highly recommended to understand the nuances of each structure and ensure you make the most informed decision.

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